MamaTone Fitness

Posts Tagged ‘abs

Dear Friends,
24 Hour Fitness is holding a national “Best Abs” contest.  I was selected by the judges as one of the top 10 and now I need your help with your votes!  Visit  My abs are #3.  I am always amazed at the differences in the structure of peoples abs. (ok, I know that is weird, but I specialize in core training and spend a lot of time looking at abs).
You can vote as many times as you would like. 
Thanks for helping me out with that!  I will let you know if I win.
Here is the pic I submitted:

As a new mom wanting to get a flat stomach, I see women doing endless crunches… This is the worst thing possible for them.  I worked with a mother who did just that and had a 4 finger separation in her abdomen because the outer abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus) were pulled too far apart from pregnancy and never given a chance to be pulled in.  In this video Jill and I will demonstrate an amazing exercise that can help pull that stomach back in!

I see so many people doing endless crunches in hope of acheiving a tip flat stomach.  First off all, the main reason your stomach isn’t where you want it to be isn’t because your abs aren’t strong enough, it is because there is too much fat hiding the muscles.  So many women do crunches after having a baby.  This is the worst thing for them because their abdominal wall has been stretched from pregnancy and crunches will only make the problem worse!  Watch this video clip to see a couple great ways to train the abs to help pull the stomach in.



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